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DIY; Fabric Bracelets!!

February 23, 2012

I have a lot of clothes that have been whiling away in my closet for a while now.I usually try to give them out but there are just some really special clothes that I can’t wear anymore but they are  just gorgeous! Well, anyways.. not too long ago, a very close friend of mine was in a pickle so I decided to help her by participating in her event. My best friend (her sister) and I helped by making these really awesome bracelets!! We had really really old rusty bangles that we didn’t use anymore and came up with the idea. I’m sure a lot of you have old bangles that you just throw away, now you can make them brand new and very fashionable

We  got a lot of feedback and I decided to share how to make them with everybody today.. It literally takes about 1 minute!

Stack your bangles to have the thickness that you are looking for. I used about 5 thin bangles. Start by wrapping your fabric around the bangles, making sure that they are firmly wrapped.

 Continue wrapping around until you have gone around the circle. If you have left over fabric, cut it off or keep wrapping until you are done with the fabric. Use a glue gun to finish by securing the tip on the bangle.You are done!! Told you it was simple 🙂 

 Have a good day!! 🙂 

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Claire Monet permalink
    February 23, 2012 9:40 pm

    Wicked. I have BAGS of old clothes I’m just dying to cut up, will be trying this soon!

    • February 24, 2012 3:30 pm

      yay!! make sure you share your pictures online so I can take a look! Have a good day 🙂

  2. ifeoluwa permalink
    February 23, 2012 11:34 pm


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